Moscow State Forest University 0

Moscow State Forest University

Mytishchi branch of Moscow State Technical University named after. N. E. Bauman (formerly Moscow State Forestry University) is a specialized higher educational institution that trains engineers, bachelors,...

Structure of the argon atom Protons and neutrons 0

Structure of the argon atom Protons and neutrons

The electronic configuration of an atom is a numerical representation of its electron orbitals. Electron orbitals are regions of various shapes located around the atomic nucleus in which it is mathematically probable that an electron will be found....

Element of composition in a work of art: examples 0

Element of composition in a work of art: examples

Composition is the arrangement of parts of a literary work in a certain order, a set of forms and methods of artistic expression by the author, depending on his intention. Translated from Latin it means “composition”...

Games with theatrical elements for preschool children 0

Games with theatrical elements for preschool children

Introduction. The focus of teachers working with preschool children is on creating the necessary conditions for learning and education; children’s mastery of a system of knowledge and techniques of independent activity;...

The annexation of Ukraine to Russia History in faces 0

The annexation of Ukraine to Russia History in faces

The unification of Rus' is the process of political unification of disparate Russian lands into a single state. Prerequisites for the unification of Kievan Rus The beginning of the unification of Rus' dates back to the 13th century. Until this moment, Kievan Rus was not united...

What does the number 7 look like for children? 0

What does the number 7 look like for children?

Under each task for studying the number 7 you will find a picture that can be printed and used as teaching material for activities with your child. Task 1. Write the number 7 in the copybook. Task 2. Find all the numbers in the picture...

Median, height and bisector and their properties 0

Median, height and bisector and their properties

When studying any topic in a school course, you can select a certain minimum of problems, and having mastered the methods for solving them, students will be able to solve any problem at the level of program requirements on the topic being studied. I suggest...

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